Friday 28 November 2014

A Cup is just a Cup until you add...

Our Ultimate Smarties created some fantastic creations today using a cup and other 'bits n pieces'. We had penguins, fish tanks, a vase of flowers, hot air balloons, volcanoes, elephants and many more.

Take a look at some of their ideas...

A Circle is just a circle until you add....

Today the 'Clever Creators' were given a circle plate. With that plate they had to turn it into to 'something' using a variety of media - pipe cleaners, paper, paper clips, tinfoil, pasta, straws...

Have a look at some of our creations from Ava, Mia S, Mia Y, Maya, Lucia, Jade, Tayla, Hannah!!!

Friday 12 September 2014

What's HOT and what's NOT?

For our warm up today we had to create a page of 'things' that are HOT or NOT! 

Some of our ideas for HOT were:
- WASABI on your tongue
- An OVEN set on 260
- The SUN

Some of our ideas for NOT HOT were:
- A lemonade ICEBLOCK
- A SNOW cloud in the middle of winter

Can you think of some more???

Friday 4 July 2014

School Holiday challenge...

These holidays ask your parents to purchase a packet of skewers and some marshmellows.

Your challenge is to build a tower using only 30 skewers and marshmellows. The tower needs to be able to 'stand alone' and the focus is on height. Email me a photo once you have completed this challenge!!!

Friday 20 June 2014

Who's original? Who's different? Who's random? Who's unusual?

Our next focus in GATE is Originality.

Originality in thinking is coming up with ideas that are unusual , random , different , crazy..... It's about thinking of ideas that NO-ONE else will think of.

An activity "The Clever Creators" and "The Ultimate Smarties" started with today was ... Come up with five original ideas for the use of a cereal box!

What ideas do you have?

By Liam Peters

Maya's ideas...

Friday 13 June 2014

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's a .....

Today the Clever Creators were given a very 'hands on' activity. They were each given an envelope.
Inside the envelope were:
- three pieces of card
- two paper clips
- one tooth pick
- bluetack
- string
- one balloon
- one straw

Using the provided 'bits'n'pieces' (as well as glue sticks, celotape and colouring in equiptment) the Clever Creators then had to turn what they had into an animal! This is a great activity to stretch our fluency and flexibility skills that we have been learning about.

Have a look at how they are doing...we will finish them next week!

Ka pai to mahi!!!

Friday 6 June 2014

No food!!!!

Try this warm up that "The ultimate smarties" did today... Their focus was on "flexibility" so each idea had to be different.

"Think of FIVE different reasons why Mum and Dad couldn't buy the groceries this week."

I will start you off then YOU can write down some more ideas in the comments section below!

- The supermarket had a serious fire and the entire building burnt down.
- Unfortunately mum and dad both had a tummy bug so they couldn't leave the house.