
Kia ora Whanau, here is our latest waiata - Utaina

A few photos of our performance at a New Zealand Citizenship Ceremony. What an amazing experience it was!

Here are the words for our new waiata Te Tau Ihu O Te Waka

Te Tau Ihu O Te Waka

Nau mai, haere mai, tauti mai
ki a koutou katoa
E noho wakata mai ra
ki Te Tau Ihu O Te Waka

Ki nga pitau whakarei
ko to matou wawata
Ka rongo koutou i te aroha
o Te Tau Ihu O Te Waka

E ai ki nga korero a nga tupuna
Ko koe ki tena
Ko au ki tenei
kiwai o te kete nei

No reira mata kohika
kua tae a tinana
Ko tenei te mihi maioha
no Te Tau Ihu O Te Waka

"He Kakano". We will be learning this song in week 7, Term 2. Ka pai

 Kia ora Whanau. Here is 'He honore' for you to practice at home. Ka pai. Mrs Shepard :-)


  1. I love the songs I hope we learn more.
    From Inari

  2. I love honore what is your favorite?


  3. hi missers sheperd i love your songs that u tech us from caitlin in room 7 :)

  4. This song is the best im luky to be in the kapahaka grop from Akiana

  5. Hi Mrs Shepard and Mrs Bailey the song i most like is te tau ihu o te waka I love
    that your teaching us. From Rhiannon

  6. Hi Mrs Shepard.I do hope Zion gets better.How is he going in hospital.My favourite song is he honore I love how we get to sing in a high tone in the song he honore .Bye From Rhiannon
