Friday, 9 May 2014

'Clever Creators', 'The Ultimate Smarties' and 'The Talented Ten'...

Mrs Shepard spent a lot of time doing lots of tests on heaps of children at Birchwood. She then was able to choose some groups for GATE. 

On our first day she said 'Lets come up with a name for our GATE group'! We were put into two teams and had to brainstorm lots of different names. Our group finally chose 
"THE CLEVER CREATORS". Everyone liked that name because we think we are all clever and we LOVE creating stuff. It was fun because we got to choose it ourselves. 

By Maya Ricciardi

 The Ultimate Smarties

 The Clever Creators

 The Talented Ten


  1. What an awesome idea. I love the names you chose and I think they tell me so much about your group. 'Winner' of the best photo has to go the 'Ultimate Smarties' - I loved your photo!

  2. It looks like you are having a great time at GATE. I love the names. Donna (Hannah's mum)

  3. Super cool names and photos, and so great to see a blog up and running. Well done guys!!! Danielle ( Jamies' mum)

  4. love the photo of the talented 10 Jonny:)

  5. Denver & Jonny:)6 June 2014 at 11:53

    Awsome photo from Denver&Jonny:)
